Monday, June 13, 2011

Get to know the tree....the family tree

No, we did not have a Family Home Evening on genealogy...however, we created a new family. Throughout the evening, stories were told and memories were shared. Through Ninja Destruction, the skittle game, and other getting to know you activities, we were able to see deep into the soul and pluck out the quirks we may have not noticed before. It being Strawberry Days in our fair city this week, we were able to munch and mingle whilst upholding the noble tradition of feasting upon the fresh summer strawberries submerged in the thick, luscious crème (thas right, we're multi-cultural). Speaking of traditions, another infamous tradition was kept alive as we sent yet another member of our ward to the Emergency Room. For those of you who are new, do not let this deter you from coming to activities. It only means we have the most fun. Lend a hand to Jordan Ashdown whenever you see him. He might not be able to make all those three-pointers for a while. Keep him in your prayers...we hope he has a quick recovery. 

Thanks to all who stayed to help clean the church! We appreciate your service. Come one and all to help out at the Rodeo Grounds this Wednesday and Friday. 5:30 to 8:30 or 8:30 to 11:30. 

Ward temple night is May 22nd. Keep it on your calendar. The Manti Pageant camp out is this Friday and Saturday, and for those of you who don't go to that, come help clean the church building at 10 a.m. Saturday. Also, don't forget about sports night!! Come play volleyball with us at 8:00 on Thursday. 

"Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts." -Aladdin (Keep that in mind this week, folks)

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